I met Margarida through a friend. At the time, she was very sick. I have two blood cancers… I was in a human wreck… Daisy was a breath of fresh air, of positive energy and...
Margarida, to define it is to limit it. It will be an eternal open parenthesis, while its eternity lasts. With all gratitude.
G. N. & R. S.
Thank you for helping me not to be afraid. Thanks to Margarida, today I got over all my fears and I can sleep alone.
S. S.
We ran everything and everyone to help us, but always without success. Thank you for bringing hope to our family and for everything you have done for our son. Grateful forever.
M. J.
In advance, I would like to thank you for the incredible person that you are…for helping me to get up when I fall, for comforting me in your embrace and in your sweet and sincere...
Dear Margarida, my gratitude for renewing hope in me and mine… My gratitude for bringing back my smile and peace of mind. Welcome.
I. S.
With your help, I'm going to straighten out my life… you're the only person who has understood me so far. A very big kiss for you, Margarida…
R. S.
The REHC training represented a great change in the mentality and attitudes in terms of human resources in our organization. In a structure like ours, it is not always easy to work as a team...